The Midwest’s Premiere Transloader


While autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year, falling leaves can cause a real problem when it comes to railways and traveling trains. Slippery rail, also known as low railhead adhesion, is a condition that exists when the tracks are covered with contaminants and trains are unable to adhere to the tracks safely. When conditions like this exist, the train can experience wheelslip while both gaining power or braking. At G&T Enterprises, we want you to understand the risks of slippery rails and how to prevent it.

One of the most common types of contamination that can lead to slippery rails is moist, fallen leaves. When the leaves fall and mix with condensation or fall storms, they adhere to the track creating an uneven surface that lacks any traction for the trains. When there is a loss of friction between the train’s wheels and the track, it can lead to unusable railways, and in worse case scenarios, train derailment.

In order to avoid these serious situations, it is important for train operators to report unsafe railway conditions immediately. In addition, it is important to contact an experienced railway cleaning company to make sure your tracks are safe during the autumn season.

Whether you need track cleaning services or train derailment services in the Midwest, turn to the experienced team at G&T Enterprises.